16.11.2017, 22:00

Arena Club - Liber Null x Potnia Theron - Absolute

Flyer für: Arena Club - Liber Null x Potnia Theron - Absolute
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Liber Null & Potnia Theron Present:

[ Absolute ]

Absolute is the complete, the total, the utter, the perfect and the pure.
The unqualified and unconditional one.
It is boundless and termless.
Imperious and universal.
An abyss, a supremacy.
Its beyond being.
Beyond thought, language and form.
The highest object of realization and truth.
Are you shivering?
Enter Liber Null.


[ Mauris Floor ]

Drew McDowall live COIL / Psychic TV I
Alessandro Adriani I Mannequin (Label + Mailorder) / Jealous God
Unhuman b2b Sekunde I Liber Null Berlin - Fleisch
Nullam Rem Natam - Action
Valentin Tszin - Performance