14.10.2019, 20:00

Crack Bellmer - Nice One

Flyer für: Crack Bellmer - Nice One
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Mikrokosmos Montag. Auf jeden Fall Kosmos, denn von House über Techno, und den Spielarten dazwischen ist hier alles drin. Wir wollen Vielfalt - und davon sehr viel, unsere Djs sind handverlesen und voller Tatendrang.
Seid ihr es auch? Blue Monday adé! Runter von der Couch und ab zum nicesten Montagsschwof der Stadt.

Es spielen für euch:


Berny is an artist truly absorbed with the range of sonic possibilities. A producer not content with existing within the realms of House and Techno but one that is determined to further stretch its limits with his characteristic 'Deep','Disco' and 'Jacking' signature sound.
From Italy with love..


Gavio has always had a heavy penchant for Soul and Funky music which he developed from his fascination of music played from old records. He skilfully combines Deep House and House with unique sounds and techniques he picks up from these other genres he listens to.

Bar ab 8. Meganiceone ab 10.