about blank - Planet 9 // Xcursion I

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Planet 9 presents "Xcursion I"
Line Up
Deadbeat Music [ BLKRTZ/Echocord ]
Edward [ Giegling ]
Samuel Rohrer [ Arjunamusic Records ]
Tyler Friedman [ Kontra-Musik ]
e/tape [ ]
Naty Seres [ Atmophile Electronics ]
Jon Starks [ Planet 9 ]
Goldie Burmann [ Planet 9 ]
Cem Orlow [ Planet 9 ]
Xcursion I
e/tape 22:00-23:00
Live Concert: 23:00-24:00 :
Samuel Rohrer - drums, electronics
Tyler Friedman - analog synthesizer
Performance: 24:00-24:30
Goldie Burmann “ Impressions of Planet 9 “
22:00-24:00 15€ Concert + Party
24:00-06:00 12€ Party
Early Bird Tickets: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1097103
“Xcursion I“
Are you ready to explore the final frontier and whatever is beyond? With Xcursion I, the newly launched Planet 9 label invites all earthlings to a trip to the hypothetical planet in the outer Solar System, which in the scientific community has been speculated about since 2014 and which lent the Berlin-based imprint far more than its name. Every release will explore a different planet along the solar system, bringing together the producers’ unique vision with specifically commissioned artworks. Before the first astronaut will venture into the unknown however, Planet 9 will send its first transmissions to ://about:blank on June 13th, 2018.
Samuel Rohrer has always seen it as his nature to discover, combine and blend different musical territories. The drummer, composer and arjunamusic founder, who has recently collaborated with AMBIQ and other genre bending adventurous projects, will present a live set that musically advances towards Planet 9 and for that purpose has also invited his long-term collaborator Tyler Friedman on modular synthesizers to share the shuttle with him. Staying true to its explicit concept of merging aesthetical imagination with scholarly approaches, Planet 9 also presents co-founder Annabella Wagner with a performance blending art and science.
Right after the concert and performance, the club will see a live set by Canadian dub magician Deadbeat as well as kraut house expert Edward, Naty Seres and Planet 9 co-founder Cem Orlow stepping up to the decks. From midnight on, the ://about:blank garden will be immersed in the ambient sound worlds of Jon Starks & E/Tape. Buckle up! There’s a wholly different world to explore. Take-off in 3, 2, 1, …
"Xcursion I“
Bereit für eine Erkundungstour bis zur Final Frontier und darüber hinaus? Mit Xcursion I lädt das frisch vom Stapel gelassene Label Planet 9 alle Erdlinge auf einen Trip zum hypothetischen planetenartigen Himmelskörper im äußeren Sonnensystem, über den seit 2014 in der Wissenschaftscommunity spekuliert wird und welcher dem Berliner Imprint mehr als nur den Namen lieh. Jedes Release wird sich mit einem anderen um unsere Sonne kreisenden Planeten befassen und die jeweiligen künstlerischen Visionen der ProduzentInnen mit speziell in Auftrag gegebenen Artworks zusammenführen. Bevor aber der erste Astronaut auf eine Reise ins Ungewisse aufbricht, sendet Planet 9 seine ersten Funksignale am 13. Juni 2018 ins ://about:blank.
Samuel Rohrer hat es schon immer als eine Selbstverständlichkeit verstanden, musikalische Welten zu erkunden, auszudehnen und neu zusammen zu führen. Der Schlagzeuger, Komponist und Arjunamusic-Gründer, der neben Ambiq auch seit langem mit diversen anderen Künstler in abenteuerlichen Projekten kollaboriert, wird ein Live-Set vorstellen, welches sich dem neunten Planeten musikalisch annähert. Dafür hat Rohrer seinen langjährigen Studiopartner Tyler Friedman am Modular-Synthesizer zu sich ins Raumschiff geladen. Und weil das Label mit seinem Konzept ernst meint und ästhetisches Erfindungsreichtum mit akademischen Bestrebungen vereint, wird Planet 9-Mitbetreiberin Goldie Burmann aka Annabella Wagner eine Performance vorstellen, die Kunst und Wissenschaft in Dialog setzt.
Direkt im Anschluss an Konzert und Performance öffnet der Club für ein Live-Set des kanadischen Dub-Magiers Deadbeat seine Schleusen und bringt den Kraut-House-Experten Edward ebenso wie Naty Seres und Planet 9-Mitbegründer Cem Orlow hinter die Decks. Von Mitternacht an wird zugleich der ://about:blank-Garten in die außerweltlichen Ambient-Sounds von Jon Starks getaucht. Zwischendurch ist selbstverständlich auch mit frischen Neuigkeiten vom neunten Planeten zu rechnen. Alle anschnallen, bitte! Da draußen gibt es schließlich eine ganz neue Welt zu entdecken. Abflug in 3, 2, 1, …
Samuel Rohrer + Tyler Friedman
Live Concert:
With the working title "Planet 9 Xcursion I“, percussionist Samuel Rohrer and composer Tyler Friedman present a new collaborative work in which the binaries of "acoustic" versus "electronic" and"human" versus "machine" dissolve. Drums and percussion will melt indistinguishably with other organic/acoustic and inorganic/synthetic overtone envelopes. The emerging sound of this duo is one that seems to be all at once biological and technological.
Tyler Friedman brings a sense of hyper-realism to the table which meshes in very interesting ways with Rohrer’s
conversational percussive instincts.
Tyler Friedman is a sound artist, composer and producer. His approach utilizes a blend of music theory, synthesis,
sound design, analog/digital studio techniques and conceptual imagination. In addition to his own projects, he has
collaborated on the sound and composition of multiple art projects, notably with Turner Prize nominees The
Otolith Group, whose films have been commissioned by Documenta 13 and Haus der Kunst in Munich, and
Andreas Greiner on his installation Multitudes for bio-luminescent algae and player piano. Recently he has had two
releases of lysergic-experimental club music on the Swedish label Kontra Musik: a double EP titled
CCC:BB:BBB:JJ and the 12" Vulkalaunai. Altogether, his practice is situated between art, creative engineering,
musicology, club and theory.
Samuel Rohrer is one of the influential improvisational musicians of his generation in the field of experimental
and improvised music and is touring worldwide performing on major festivals like Punkt Festivalen, NorthSea
Festival, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Nuits Sonores Lyon, Montréal International Festival or CTM
Berlin and working with numerous projects and artists including AMBIQ, Ricardo Villalobos, Laurie Anderson, Sidsel Endresen,
Max Loderbauer, Nan Goldin, Jan Bang, Hilde Marie Holsen, Mark Feldman, Charles Gayle, Björn Meyer,
Skuli Sverrisson, Eivind Aarset and Nils Petter Molvaer. His work is since 2012 mainly released on his label Arjunamusic Records
and connects acoustic improvised music with electronic experimental club music.
RA: https://bit.ly/2G38Zta
Line Up
Deadbeat Music [ BLKRTZ/Echocord ]
Edward [ Giegling ]
Samuel Rohrer [ Arjunamusic Records ]
Tyler Friedman [ Kontra-Musik ]
e/tape [ ]
Naty Seres [ Atmophile Electronics ]
Jon Starks [ Planet 9 ]
Goldie Burmann [ Planet 9 ]
Cem Orlow [ Planet 9 ]
Xcursion I
e/tape 22:00-23:00
Live Concert: 23:00-24:00 :
Samuel Rohrer - drums, electronics
Tyler Friedman - analog synthesizer
Performance: 24:00-24:30
Goldie Burmann “ Impressions of Planet 9 “
22:00-24:00 15€ Concert + Party
24:00-06:00 12€ Party
Early Bird Tickets: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1097103
“Xcursion I“
Are you ready to explore the final frontier and whatever is beyond? With Xcursion I, the newly launched Planet 9 label invites all earthlings to a trip to the hypothetical planet in the outer Solar System, which in the scientific community has been speculated about since 2014 and which lent the Berlin-based imprint far more than its name. Every release will explore a different planet along the solar system, bringing together the producers’ unique vision with specifically commissioned artworks. Before the first astronaut will venture into the unknown however, Planet 9 will send its first transmissions to ://about:blank on June 13th, 2018.
Samuel Rohrer has always seen it as his nature to discover, combine and blend different musical territories. The drummer, composer and arjunamusic founder, who has recently collaborated with AMBIQ and other genre bending adventurous projects, will present a live set that musically advances towards Planet 9 and for that purpose has also invited his long-term collaborator Tyler Friedman on modular synthesizers to share the shuttle with him. Staying true to its explicit concept of merging aesthetical imagination with scholarly approaches, Planet 9 also presents co-founder Annabella Wagner with a performance blending art and science.
Right after the concert and performance, the club will see a live set by Canadian dub magician Deadbeat as well as kraut house expert Edward, Naty Seres and Planet 9 co-founder Cem Orlow stepping up to the decks. From midnight on, the ://about:blank garden will be immersed in the ambient sound worlds of Jon Starks & E/Tape. Buckle up! There’s a wholly different world to explore. Take-off in 3, 2, 1, …
"Xcursion I“
Bereit für eine Erkundungstour bis zur Final Frontier und darüber hinaus? Mit Xcursion I lädt das frisch vom Stapel gelassene Label Planet 9 alle Erdlinge auf einen Trip zum hypothetischen planetenartigen Himmelskörper im äußeren Sonnensystem, über den seit 2014 in der Wissenschaftscommunity spekuliert wird und welcher dem Berliner Imprint mehr als nur den Namen lieh. Jedes Release wird sich mit einem anderen um unsere Sonne kreisenden Planeten befassen und die jeweiligen künstlerischen Visionen der ProduzentInnen mit speziell in Auftrag gegebenen Artworks zusammenführen. Bevor aber der erste Astronaut auf eine Reise ins Ungewisse aufbricht, sendet Planet 9 seine ersten Funksignale am 13. Juni 2018 ins ://about:blank.
Samuel Rohrer hat es schon immer als eine Selbstverständlichkeit verstanden, musikalische Welten zu erkunden, auszudehnen und neu zusammen zu führen. Der Schlagzeuger, Komponist und Arjunamusic-Gründer, der neben Ambiq auch seit langem mit diversen anderen Künstler in abenteuerlichen Projekten kollaboriert, wird ein Live-Set vorstellen, welches sich dem neunten Planeten musikalisch annähert. Dafür hat Rohrer seinen langjährigen Studiopartner Tyler Friedman am Modular-Synthesizer zu sich ins Raumschiff geladen. Und weil das Label mit seinem Konzept ernst meint und ästhetisches Erfindungsreichtum mit akademischen Bestrebungen vereint, wird Planet 9-Mitbetreiberin Goldie Burmann aka Annabella Wagner eine Performance vorstellen, die Kunst und Wissenschaft in Dialog setzt.
Direkt im Anschluss an Konzert und Performance öffnet der Club für ein Live-Set des kanadischen Dub-Magiers Deadbeat seine Schleusen und bringt den Kraut-House-Experten Edward ebenso wie Naty Seres und Planet 9-Mitbegründer Cem Orlow hinter die Decks. Von Mitternacht an wird zugleich der ://about:blank-Garten in die außerweltlichen Ambient-Sounds von Jon Starks getaucht. Zwischendurch ist selbstverständlich auch mit frischen Neuigkeiten vom neunten Planeten zu rechnen. Alle anschnallen, bitte! Da draußen gibt es schließlich eine ganz neue Welt zu entdecken. Abflug in 3, 2, 1, …
Samuel Rohrer + Tyler Friedman
Live Concert:
With the working title "Planet 9 Xcursion I“, percussionist Samuel Rohrer and composer Tyler Friedman present a new collaborative work in which the binaries of "acoustic" versus "electronic" and"human" versus "machine" dissolve. Drums and percussion will melt indistinguishably with other organic/acoustic and inorganic/synthetic overtone envelopes. The emerging sound of this duo is one that seems to be all at once biological and technological.
Tyler Friedman brings a sense of hyper-realism to the table which meshes in very interesting ways with Rohrer’s
conversational percussive instincts.
Tyler Friedman is a sound artist, composer and producer. His approach utilizes a blend of music theory, synthesis,
sound design, analog/digital studio techniques and conceptual imagination. In addition to his own projects, he has
collaborated on the sound and composition of multiple art projects, notably with Turner Prize nominees The
Otolith Group, whose films have been commissioned by Documenta 13 and Haus der Kunst in Munich, and
Andreas Greiner on his installation Multitudes for bio-luminescent algae and player piano. Recently he has had two
releases of lysergic-experimental club music on the Swedish label Kontra Musik: a double EP titled
CCC:BB:BBB:JJ and the 12" Vulkalaunai. Altogether, his practice is situated between art, creative engineering,
musicology, club and theory.
Samuel Rohrer is one of the influential improvisational musicians of his generation in the field of experimental
and improvised music and is touring worldwide performing on major festivals like Punkt Festivalen, NorthSea
Festival, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Nuits Sonores Lyon, Montréal International Festival or CTM
Berlin and working with numerous projects and artists including AMBIQ, Ricardo Villalobos, Laurie Anderson, Sidsel Endresen,
Max Loderbauer, Nan Goldin, Jan Bang, Hilde Marie Holsen, Mark Feldman, Charles Gayle, Björn Meyer,
Skuli Sverrisson, Eivind Aarset and Nils Petter Molvaer. His work is since 2012 mainly released on his label Arjunamusic Records
and connects acoustic improvised music with electronic experimental club music.
RA: https://bit.ly/2G38Zta