17.07.2015, 23:55

Arena Club - Π09: Samsara Sessions meet π

Flyer für: Arena Club - Π09: Samsara Sessions meet π
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Ancient Methods (Ancient Methods, Downwards)
Sawf (Perc Trax, Modal Analysis)
Modeo (Official) LIVE (Subsist, T+U)
Lower Order Ethics (ReadyMade)
3.14 (Modal Analysis, CLFT)


Athen – die dort basierende Veranstaltungsreihe 'π', überquert die griechischen Grenzen und reist nach Berlin für ihre erste Nacht im Arena Club.
π09 ist die 9. Ausgabe der Reihe, welche eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen "π" und "Samsara Sessions “ ist."Samsara Sessions” debütierte erstmals in den Londoner Corsica Studios im Jahr 2014. Am 17. Juli präsentieren "π" und "Samsara Session s ' ein einzigartiges Line-Up von Künstlern, die zweifellos die perfekte Verbindung zwischen dem industriellen Charme der Location und der ebenso industriellen Musik schaffen. Euch erwartet eine Kombination von Einflüssen aus Griechenland, Deutschland und Ungarn.
Ancient Methods, Sawf, Lower Order Ethics, Modeo und 3.14 haben im Arena Club Berlin einen einzigartigen Gastgeber gefunden, der dem Event das optimale Gelaende bietet.


Athens - based event series ‘π’, crosses the Greek borders and travels to Berlin for its first night at Arena Club.
π09 is the 9th edition of the series, which comes as a collaboration event between ‘π’ and ’Samsara Sessions’ , a London founded party which debuted at Corsica Studios, London in 2014.
On the 17th of July, ‘π’ and ’Samsara Session s ’ proudly present a unique line-up of artists that will no doubt pump life into the crowd, combining influences from Greece, Deutschland and Hungary:
Ancient Methods, Sawf, Lower Order Ethics, Modeo and 3.14 will be hosted at one of the most prominent club locations of Berlin; Arena Club.

Ancient Methods is one of Berlin’s long time heroes, a true figure of the industrial sound for almost a decade and a dj to offer the "funk" part of his pitch black techno war funk. With releases on labels such as 'Sonic Groove', his own imprint ‘Ancient Methods’ as well as ‘Downwards’ (as
‘Ugandan Methods - alias project alongside Regis), we couldn’t think of a more appropriate man to headline our first Berlin event.
Sawf, coming from Athens, can be considered as the most respected representative away from the Greek boarders. He is also a regular at the ‘π’ events in Athens, as well as an artist of the Greek label, Modal Analysis. His visit to Berlin is additionally connected to his upcoming
release on Modal Analysis (MA09: Sonic EP) which is due to come out in mid-July 2015.
Lower Order Ethics is Szilvia Lednitzky; an artist hailing from the murky depths of underground Budapest nights. She is also a well known face of the industrial-noise scene of Berlin for some years now and a 'ReadyMade Distribution' dj, with appearances at some of the biggest
events of the city, such as CTM, ATONAL, Contort, Liber Null and many many more.
Modeo, is another act who reflects the rich Hungarian techno-industrial scene. A very talented producer, with releases on the Spanish imprint Subsist and more music material to be published soon.
Modeo will present his latest 1hr live set in between the dj sets of the rest of the π09 guests.
The night will also be supported by the ‘π’ resident; 3.14, co-owner of the Modal Analysis label and team founder of the ‘π’ events.

Ancient Methods






Lower Order Ethics




RA: http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?697523

Arena Club
Eichenstraße 4
12435 Berlin, Germany

U1 Schlesisches Tor
S41/42/8/85 Treptower Park
Bus 265 Eichenstraße/Puschkinallee

