25.08.2017, 23:59

Burg Schnabel - Desire Edition 2

Flyer für: Burg Schnabel - Desire Edition 2
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Pünktlich zum Hochsommer kommt hier der fette Nachschlag der DESIRE um die Ecke. Mit viel Techno und House Music aller Variationen, besonderer Fetisch, Fashion Atmosphäre und Perfomances geht es in die 2. Runde.
Eine heiße Sommernacht erwartet alle Queers and Friends mit unserem special Outdoor Rooftopfloor.

Für alle Gender mit Fetisch-, Kunst- und Fashion-Atmosphäre.

Line Up:
Aerea Negrot
Ika Duchna
Sankt Göran
Purita D

Performance by MZ SUNDAY LUV & Barbara Myra

Special of the night: Massages and Tantra-Massages.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desire.berlin/

Solltest du mal in eine Situation geraten, die dir nicht gefällt - sprich uns und unser sensibilisiertes Team einfach an.

Notice that:

//For all DESIRES//

//Be queer or a friend//

//Dress up if you want//

//For all Gender//

//Dance but don't collapse//

//Take care of each other//

//No means No//

//Have a lot of fun//

See you 17/08/25

------------------------------- English version -------------------------------------

Midsummer is here and we have an amazing new edition of DESIRE for you. We start the second round with a lot of techno and different variations of house music, a fetish-fashion atmosphere and great performances. A hot summer night awaits all queers and friends on our new rooftop floor.

For all genders. Fetish, art, fashion atmosphere.

Line Up:
Aerea Negrot
Ika Duchna
Sankt Göran
Purita D

Performance by MZ SUNDAY LUV & Barbara Myra

Special of the night: Massages and Tantra-Massages.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desire.berlin/

It is especially important for us to provide a safe space for everybody who wants to be free from conventions and party with us in peace. That is why our whole team is sensitized and more than happy to help you with any situations you feel uncomfortable with – simply talk to us.

Notice that:

//For all DESIRES//

//Be queer or a friend//

//Dress up if you want//

//For all Gender//

//Dance but don't collapse//

//Take care of each other//

//No means No//

//Have a lot of fun//

See you 17/08/25