24.01.2025, 22:00

Crack Bellmer - 2 Years Disco Futurismo with Delia Plangg, Casbah & Zehlendorfer Disco Squad

Delia Plangg
Zehlendorfer Disco Squad

Almost exactly 2 years ago, we launched Disco Futurismo – a party series, platform and community in which we not only want to live out our vision of futuristic disco, house and synth-heavy electronic music together with other artists, but in which we also want to create a space that is as free of discrimination as possible and in which love, hedonism and a sense of community should be present. We would be happy to toast with you to 2 years of Disco Futurismo and everything else to come!

bar from 7. djs from 10.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
doors: free entry until 10pm and flexi after.