18.12.2024, 20:00

KitKatClub - SYMBIOTIKKA at KitKat Club Family Special

Mark Dekoda 
DJ Jordan 
@Dennis Rema

Expand your horizon and have a look over the edge
★★★ SYMBIOTIKKA Family Special ★★★

The Wednesday at KitKat Club!

Celebrate with us Respect, Freedom, Love and Music!
♫ Electronic Music Entertainment ♫

Only on this evening can you buy a SYMBIOTIKKA Family card for 2025. With this card you will then have a 5,- euro discount on the 2025 entry price for all SYMBIOTIKKA events in the KitKat Club. All family card holders from 2024 have free entry that evening.

❖ Mark Dekoda


❖ Jordan

❖ JessRey

❖ Dennis Rema

❖ sin:port

❖ Epicx

❖ Unerhört


★ and some special Surprises …

- Awareness Team - Bondage Show live - Playspace - Bodypainting - Chill Area - Kinky Shows live - Pool


❖ Creative Dresscode:
- Sei eigen, kreativ, sexy, verrucht, kinky, besonders, oder verrückt. Aber niemals langweilig!
- Be particular, creative, sexy, wicked, kinky, especially, or crazy. But never boring!


Afterhour Party with DJs from 6h30 am to 13 pm at PRISMA Bar, same building. Brückenstrasse 1

Follow Symbiotikka at KitKat Club!
soundcloud /symbiotikka
instagram /symbiotikka/
instagram /chrissymbiotikka/


We are a sex-positive and LGBTQIA+ friendly party, and we have an awareness team on hand to ensure that there is no place for hate, racism, homophobia, or any form of discrimination! NO GHB!


/// Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass auf den Partys keine Handys und Fotoaufnahmen erlaubt sind. Unserem Hausfotografen ist es als Einzigem gestattet, Bilder von der Party zu machen. Diese werden von uns für Promotion-Zwecke genutzt. Jeder Besucher erklärt sich automatisch, durch den Besuch des Events damit einverstanden. Wer nicht fotografiert werden möchte, kann dies direkt dem Fotografen mitteilen. ///

/// Our house photographer is the only one allowed to take pictures of the party. These are used for ore promotion. Each visitor declares himself automatically by agreeing to attend the event. If you do not want to be photographed, you can tell the photographer directly. ///

Feel free & enjoy yourself