03.10.2015, 23:30

OHM - REC ROOM pres. KEYSOUND w/ Etch, Parris, Uta, Kepler, Sarah Farina

Flyer für: OHM - REC ROOM pres. KEYSOUND w/ Etch, Parris, Uta, Kepler, Sarah Farina
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彡 Etch (Keysound Recordings / Soundman Chronicles)

彡 Parris (Keysound Recordings / Soundman Chronicles)

彡 Kepler (Sick Girls)

彡 Sarah Farina (Through My Speakers)

彡Uta (Through My Speakers)

Please show us some <3

Guess what? We are HUGE fans of Keysound Recordings! In fact we would love to present them at each and every Rec Room but we think that might look a little too groupie ;-) For now we are overly excited to welcome Etch and Parris, two of Keysound's finest, to their Berlin premiere! And for those who don't know, we highly recommend to read the fantastic blog of Keysound Mastermind-Daddy-Overlord Martin Blackdown Soundboy that reaches as far back as to 2004 and will school you in the best possible way ever: www.blackdownsoundboy.blogspot.de

entry: 8 €