Paloma - DOWN - Dave Stuart (Something Else, Sydney) + Eric Cloutier

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Dave Stuart (DJ Page) and I crossed paths many moons ago when I took my first trip to Australia to play for him and his wife Trinity AU. Our mutual affinity for the dubbier sounds of techno, playing longer sets, and delicious whiskey all combined to where I now yearly play for him on the other side of Earth, and this time I get to return the favor and have him as my guest at Down. Mr. Stuart is no stranger to deep cuts - besides having a fantastic selection of records, he also owns and operates a cheeky little store in Sydney, Something Else Record Store, which obviously allows him to continue grabbing jam after jam on a literal daily basis. He's also one of the hosts of a party of the same name, Something Else, which has brought talent from all over the globe to Sydney, such as Exos, Answer Code Request, Fred P - Black Jazz Consortium and eli verveine. I would highly suggest you lend an ear to Dave's playing - he's got quality from the other side of the globe to share with you, and you definitely wont be disappointed. Plus he has a keen knowledge of Ewan McGregor trivia if you sidle up to him at the bar and offer him a fine single malt.
We're back to 21h (9p) for this one as the sun is setting earlier these days and we're running out of time to hit the beach, so come warm yourself with some groovy tunes and tasty beverages with us at Paloma mid-month!
September 18th, 2019
Dave Stuart (Something Else Sydney)
Eric Cloutier (Palinoia, The Bunker NY Detroit)
Paloma Bar - Skalitzer Straße 135
21h (9p) - 5€
We're back to 21h (9p) for this one as the sun is setting earlier these days and we're running out of time to hit the beach, so come warm yourself with some groovy tunes and tasty beverages with us at Paloma mid-month!
September 18th, 2019
Dave Stuart (Something Else Sydney)
Eric Cloutier (Palinoia, The Bunker NY Detroit)
Paloma Bar - Skalitzer Straße 135
21h (9p) - 5€