24.07.2019, 23:00

Paloma - DOWN - Katie Drover (Pleasure Zone) + Eric Cloutier

Flyer für: Paloma - DOWN - Katie Drover (Pleasure Zone) + Eric Cloutier
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Lets just put it bluntly in real talk form - Katie Drover absolutely wrecked shop last time she played, and I've had multiple requests from people as to when she'd be back on the decks of Paloma with me so...ask and y'all shall receive!! Her recent choons on PLEASURE ZONE are fire, her work on her home label Dokutoku Records have been heady groovers of mine for a while now, and when it comes to selecting vinyl to play she's got impeccable taste. Very excited to have her back for some midweek shenanigans, so lets do the do once more!

A small update for the peoples, however - for the summer months, since everyone seems to be outside a bit longer and the light lasts a little later we will now be starting at 23h (11p) so you can hang out at home or your balcony or whatever you do after work before the darkness hits and we start spinning plates at the club.

July 24th, 2019
Katie Drover (Pleasure Zone, Dokutoku Melbourne)
Eric Cloutier (Palinoia, The Bunker NY Detroit)
Paloma Bar - Skalitzer Straße 135
3h (11p) - 5€