Urban Spree - Palefroi: Étalage Solo Show Opening

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“Étalage: stand, stall, barrow,
display, window display,
showcase, showing off,
spreading out, falling flat on one’s face / on the floor”
Urban Spree Galerie invites the Berlin-based French duo Palefroi for a month-long residency in our Berlin studio during the first three weeks of July, followed by a week-long residency directly in the gallery, and culminating in a month-long solo show.
Damien Tran and Marion Jdanoff are two French artists currently based in Berlin. Their visual work as a duo is a constant negociation between their respective approaches.. One is formal and abstract, the other narrative and figurative. They are attached to a form of harshness in the lines, to generous proliferation, to spontaneity and wonkiness.
Palefroi is a framework embracing all of their practices: printmaking, self publishing, painting and animated drawings. It is a space of experimentation and collaboration but also a structure supporting both their work as a duo and as individuals.
Following Palefroi’s residency at Urban Spree in July 2018, their solo exhibition Étalage should consist of: wolves, people playing trumpets, a fake tiger, dancing dots, drums solo and wallpapers.
Palefroi: “Etalage”
Art Residency + Solo Show
Urban Spree Galerie
Vernissage: Friday 03.08.2018 at 19:00
Exhibition: 04.08.2018 – 02.09.2018
Tu-Su / 12:00-19:00
Info: [email protected]
display, window display,
showcase, showing off,
spreading out, falling flat on one’s face / on the floor”
Urban Spree Galerie invites the Berlin-based French duo Palefroi for a month-long residency in our Berlin studio during the first three weeks of July, followed by a week-long residency directly in the gallery, and culminating in a month-long solo show.
Damien Tran and Marion Jdanoff are two French artists currently based in Berlin. Their visual work as a duo is a constant negociation between their respective approaches.. One is formal and abstract, the other narrative and figurative. They are attached to a form of harshness in the lines, to generous proliferation, to spontaneity and wonkiness.
Palefroi is a framework embracing all of their practices: printmaking, self publishing, painting and animated drawings. It is a space of experimentation and collaboration but also a structure supporting both their work as a duo and as individuals.
Following Palefroi’s residency at Urban Spree in July 2018, their solo exhibition Étalage should consist of: wolves, people playing trumpets, a fake tiger, dancing dots, drums solo and wallpapers.
Palefroi: “Etalage”
Art Residency + Solo Show
Urban Spree Galerie
Vernissage: Friday 03.08.2018 at 19:00
Exhibition: 04.08.2018 – 02.09.2018
Tu-Su / 12:00-19:00
Info: [email protected]