VOID - Expedicion 16
Gästeliste Verlosung
Die Verlosung ist beendet.EXPEDICION 16 | 3 Floors at VOID Club & Hall
Sat, 28.12.2024 | Psytrance, Techno, Drum & Bass
VOID Hall (Psytrance)
❃ KOGO - Independent / Egypt
❃ SEBTIK - Feel Nature, Klangzucht / Austria
❃ SEROTONY - Psychedelic Reality / Rosenheim
Decoration by IY Optics
VOID Main (Techno)
❃ IRAD - Trippin Pharaohs / Bangladesh
❃ IDA SCHEPPERT - VOID Berlin, Excite, Piepshow
❃ MODULATOS - Magnetic Field
❃ BÆMBUS - VOID Berlin
VOID Bar (Drum & Bass)
❃ AGEM - Blasted
❃ MARIE MOON - Newcomer
❃ NERV - Newcomer
+ Outdoor area
18+ Event
Doors: 23:00h
o 15 € General admission
o 18 € Box-office
o 10 € until midnight
Resident Advisor: https://de.ra.co/events/2059753
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/expedicion-16-tickets-1115907883519
5€ discount for students and trainees (please show ID)
5€ Rabatt für Studenten und Auszubildende (bitte Ausweis vorzeigen)
o No Dresscode
o No Photos/Videos
o No Racism, No Sexism, No Homophobia, No Transphobia
VOID Club & Hall - Wiesenweg 5-9 | 10365 Berlin
S-Ostkreuz | S+U Frankfurter Allee | S-Nöldner Platz
www.void-club.de | www.facebook.com/berlinvoidclub
www.instagram.com/void_club | #voidberlin
Sat, 28.12.2024 | Psytrance, Techno, Drum & Bass
VOID Hall (Psytrance)
❃ KOGO - Independent / Egypt
❃ SEBTIK - Feel Nature, Klangzucht / Austria
❃ SEROTONY - Psychedelic Reality / Rosenheim
Decoration by IY Optics
VOID Main (Techno)
❃ IRAD - Trippin Pharaohs / Bangladesh
❃ IDA SCHEPPERT - VOID Berlin, Excite, Piepshow
❃ MODULATOS - Magnetic Field
❃ BÆMBUS - VOID Berlin
VOID Bar (Drum & Bass)
❃ AGEM - Blasted
❃ MARIE MOON - Newcomer
❃ NERV - Newcomer
+ Outdoor area
18+ Event
Doors: 23:00h
o 15 € General admission
o 18 € Box-office
o 10 € until midnight
Resident Advisor: https://de.ra.co/events/2059753
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/expedicion-16-tickets-1115907883519
5€ discount for students and trainees (please show ID)
5€ Rabatt für Studenten und Auszubildende (bitte Ausweis vorzeigen)
o No Dresscode
o No Photos/Videos
o No Racism, No Sexism, No Homophobia, No Transphobia
VOID Club & Hall - Wiesenweg 5-9 | 10365 Berlin
S-Ostkreuz | S+U Frankfurter Allee | S-Nöldner Platz
www.void-club.de | www.facebook.com/berlinvoidclub
www.instagram.com/void_club | #voidberlin